Small companies can have difficulty gaining followers on social media, especially LinkedIn. Here are a few productive and easy ways to grow your following:

Optimize your page

If you want your target audience to find your business page, you must be searchable! Therefore, you should optimize your business page so that it appears in search results. 

What information, products, and services is your audience searching for? Identify the keywords and phrases your audience is using to locate the information they are seeking. Then, include these keywords and phrases in your company tagline and “About” section. When your page appears in search results, only 156 characters of your tagline is visible, so we recommend including keywords and phrases at the beginning of your tagline.

Your “About” section should include your company’s vision, mission, values, products/services, and what sets your company apart from the competition.

It is also important that your company have a profile picture, a cover photo, website link, and a call-to-action button. We recommend completing your business page in its entirety — according to LinkedIn, pages with complete information receive up to 30% more weekly views than incomplete pages!

Develop a consistent posting schedule

Consistency is key! The only way to remain on your audience’s radar is to ensure you’re consistently posting valuable content — emphasis on “valuable.” The content you post will only be effective if it holds value to your audience; your content should inform, answer a question, or satisfy a need.

Once you have determined what kind of content to post, develop a posting schedule. Given the nature of the platform, your posts are likely to receive more engagement on Wednesdays and Thursdays between 8 and 10 AM. Regardless of when you post and how frequently, you must be consistent. It is also important to use relevant trending hashtags; hashtags allow you to appear in search results and reach a wider audience.

Engage in trending topics

One of the best ways to gain exposure on a platform like LinkedIn is by joining topical conversations. When other users or businesses share content regarding trending topics or they simply pose a question, engage with their post — leave a comment with your opinion or feedback! Engaging with others is a great way to not only grow your personal network, but reach potential customers you may have otherwise missed.

Create content that your followers can interact with

Just as you should engage with other users’ content, your business should be sharing content that your customers can engage with. How do you encourage your customers to engage with your content? Start a conversation!

Along the sidebars of your news feed, you can view trending news topics and hashtags. This information may provide inspiration for engaging content. If you choose to share a trending article, include your take on the topic and pose a question for your audience to answer. Posing a question will encourage your customers to leave a comment. 

At Springwood Marketing, our professionals specialize in crafting engaging social media content that will increase brand exposure and reach wider audiences. Interested in learning more? Contact us today!