Have you realized the importance of diversified marketing and social media in business, but are new to the game? Springwood Marketing, LLC has developed a short guide to teach you the basics for posting to company pages, as well as sharing them out publicly to your personal friends list. Our guide includes detailed instructions for posting to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. We hope you find this guide useful for growing your business.

Table of Contents

  1. How to Create a Google+ Post
  2. How to Create a LinkedIn Company Page Post
  3. How to Share a LinkedIn Company Page Post to Your Personal Page
  4. How to Create a Tweet
  5. How to Create a Facebook Business Page Post
  6. How to Share a Facebook Business Page Post to Your Personal Page

How to Create a Google+ Post

  1. Type https://plus.google.com in the address bar.
  2. Login to your account using your Google+ credentials.
  3. At the bottom right, click the red circle (compose).
  4. Type your post.
  5. To share a photo, link, poll, or post location, click the corresponding icon (ex: camera icon to post a photo).
  6. To choose who to share the post with, click the blue text next to your name (shown as “Public” in the above image). For business use, we recommend leaving the selection as “Public”. However, you can choose to share with a person, a Collection, a Community, or a Circle.
  7. Click “Post”.
  8. To view your post, refresh the page.

How to Create a LinkedIn Company Page Post

  1. Type https://linkedin.com in the address bar.
  2. Login to your account using your personal LinkedIn credentials.
  3. Click the arrow next to “Me” on the upper right side of the menu bar.
  4. Select your “Company Page: _________” from the drop-down list.
  5. A new window will open with your Company Page.
  6. Click in the box that says “Share an article, photo, or update”.
  7. Type your message.
  8. To share an image, click the camera icon.
  9. Click “Post”.

How to Share a LinkedIn Company Page Post to Your Personal Page

  1. Type https://linkedin.com in the address bar.
  2. Login to your account using your personal LinkedIn credentials.
  3. Type your company’s name in the search bar.
  4. Click your company name when it appears in the results drop-down.
  5. Scroll down to “Recent updates”.
  6. Locate the post that you would like to share.
  7. Click “Share” directly below the post.
  8. A pop-up window will appear.
  9. To add a message, click the field that says “Start writing or use @ to mention people, companies or school”.
  10. Ensure that “Public” is selected in the box next to “Post” on the lower right corner.
  11. Click “Post”.
  12. The post has now been shared publicly to your personal LinkedIn page.


How to Create a Tweet

  1. Type https://twitter.com in the address bar
  2. Click “Login” in the upper right corner.
  3. Login to your account using your Twitter credentials.
  4. Click in the box that says “What’s happening”
  5. Type your tweet (less than 140 characters).
  6. To share an image, GIF, poll or post location, click the corresponding icon (ex: mountains icon to post a photo).  
  7. Click “Tweet”.

How to Create a Facebook Business Page Post

  1. Type https://www.facebook.com  in the address bar.
  2. Login to your account using your personal Facebook credentials.
  3. Choose your business page from the Shortcuts menu on the left side of the window.
  4. Click in the box that says “Write Something”.
  5. Type your message.
  6. To share an image with the post, click the camera icon.
  7. To post now, click “Publish”. To schedule the post for a later time or date, click the arrow next to “Publish” and choose “Schedule”. You may selected a later time and date for the post to automatically publish.

How to Share a Facebook Business Page Post to Your Personal Page

  1. Type https://www.facebook.com in the address bar.
  2. Login to your account using your personal Facebook credentials.
  3. Choose your business page from the Shortcuts menu on the left side of the window.
  4. Scroll down until you see “Posts” in the News Feed.
  5. Locate a post that you would like to share.
  6. Locate the drop-down arrow on the lower right side of the post. If your business logo is showing in the box, click the drop-down arrow and select your personal Facebook page image.
  7. Select your name. There should be an arrow next to it (as indicated above).
  8. Click “Share”.
  9. Click “Share” from the drop-down list.
  10. To add an additional message that will appear with the post, type in the “Say something about this…” field.
  11. Ensure that “Public” is showing next to “Post”.
  12. Click “Post”.
  13. The post has now been shared publicly to your personal Facebook page.

If you would like to keep this Social Media How To Guide handy, click the link to download our printable version: Social Media Posting Guide for Beginners – Springwood Marketing LLC!
Still have questions? Contact us directly to setup a consultation for social media management by seasoned professionals.