As we see shifts in consumer demands, we must adapt by enhancing our marketing strategies. With every new year, new marketing trends and strategies emerge. Here’s what you can expect to see in 2021:

Increased ad spend

With the implementation of nationwide stay-at-home orders, we saw a major shift toward e-commerce. According to Oberlo, e-commerce sales increased by 44.5% in the United States in 2020 due to COVID-19. We predict this number will only increase from here — even long after COVID-19 is gone.

For many e-commerce marketers, online advertising is their primary strategy for increasing site traffic. Online advertising allows marketers to purchase ad placement through search engines and other sites. The more money a marketer “bids” on an ad placement, the more likely they are to increase their ad ranking — and with 41% of clicks going to the top 3 paid ads on the search results page (Wordstream), a generous advertising budget is necessary. 

With such an emphasis on e-commerce, online ad placement in 2021 will be incredibly competitive. We predict marketers will increase ad spend to secure their place at the top of search engine results.  

SEO tailored to voice search inquiries

In order to generate more online traffic, you must publish content that is searchable. To make your content “searchable”, you must consider what your target audience is searching for on the internet. What products or services do they need? What questions are they asking — and how can you provide the answers they’re seeking?

If your target audience is searching for “business consulting”, then your website and content should include this phrase (and other relevant phrases). Implementing strong SEO keywords and phrases will increase your chances of appearing on the search results page.

Seems simple enough, right? However, with the introduction of the smartphone, and new features like voice search, marketers are having to rethink their SEO strategies.

Voice search allows users to search the internet using a simple voice command. These types of search inquiries have become increasingly popular over the years. According to Review42, about 31% of smartphone users use voice search on a weekly basis. Voice inquiries are often more conversational than a written inquiry would be. Therefore, we predict marketers will approach keyword implementation in a more direct, conversational way.

Increased online presence

According to Google, 97% of consumers use the internet to search for local businesses. If you are not appearing in search results, you won’t be discovered by your target audience — but your competitor will be. Therefore, your business cannot grow without an online presence. 

As more and more people accept this reality, we predict businesses will focus heavily on their online presence in 2021. The presence of small businesses on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn will increase, as will the need for high-converting websites.

Outsourced marketing

As businesses reassess their digital marketing strategies, we predict more will choose to outsource their marketing. With more to do and very little time to do it, business owners will find that outsourcing is not only more efficient but saves them money in the long run. 

2021 is right around the corner and digital marketing is changing at a rapid pace — can you keep up? The professionals at Springwood Marketing can assist you in developing strategies that will support ongoing business growth with services such as website design, graphic design, technical writing, SEO/PPC, social media management, and more. Interested in learning more about our services? Schedule a no-obligation consultation today!